The Princess Royal presents the WISE Awards


The Princess Royal, as Patron of WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), presented the WISE Awards to eight women, one company and one man, recognising their outstanding contributions to gender balance in science, technology and engineering at a ceremony in London.

The winners included pioneering women Dr Ying Cheong, Professor Clare Elwell and Yvonne Bennett working in the fields of fertility, infant brain activation to help identify autism and neuro-linguistic programming to improve success rates of health and safety. Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott, Anne-Gaelle Colom and Amali de Alwis were all recognised for the significant impact in encouraging other women in their organisations and wider – in microbial research, open source software and coding for girls.

Technology is transforming the world of work. If we want girls to have the best possible futures in these careers, we need to make sure they have the skills and qualifications required. More importantly, if we want the best possible future for our country, we need to be using the talents of the whole population

The Princess Royal

Founded more than 30 years ago, WISE is bringing together industry, academics and government at the conference to discuss how more women can take advantage of careers in science, technology and engineering. The organisation has achieved a great deal in its history, but women still only represent one in five of the total STEM workforce.

WISE also works with employers to increase the number of women on boards and in management positions and helps bosses to make their workplaces more attractive to women.


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