A speech by The Duke of Cambridge during Their Royal Highnesses' official welcome to Canada


Nous attendons avec impatience cet aventure.

Merci beaucoup Votre Excellence et Monsieur le Premier Ministre, pour votre accueil chaleureux.

Catherine and I are so delighted to be here in Canada.  Instilled in us by our parents and grandparents, who love this country, we have been looking forward to this moment for a very long time - and before we were married, we had a longing to come here together.

The geography of Canada is unsurpassed and is famous for being matched only by the hospitality of its people.  We are so very excited about having this opportunity to experience both - and learn much more about this amazing country.

Nous debutons aujourd'hui notre première tournée ensemble. Nous ne pouvions pas être mieux accompagnés que par la grande famille Canadienne.

Thank you so much. We are truly looking forward to this adventure.  Nous attendons avec impatience cet aventure.  Merci a tous.

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