Prince William to become Patron of the Imperial War Museum Foundation's First World War Centenary Appeal


Prince William has become Patron of the Imperial War Museum Foundation, an independent charity set up to fundraise for new galleries at the Museum to mark the centenary of the First World War.

The new galleries, due to open in Summer 2014, will redisplay and enhance the Museum’s First World War collections and help future generations understand the toil and sacrifice of the Nation during the Great War.

The First World War galleries will be the first in a series of redevelopment projects taking place over the next decade, which will regenerate the Imperial War Museum London.

Prince William said:  “The creation of the First World War galleries, just as the last of the generation who fought in the Great War has passed away, could not come at a more important time. The galleries will play a vital public service, ensuring that future generations never forget what happened in the Great War. The Imperial War Museum will bring alive the sacrifice and the horrors of the war, so that the millions who died for our Nation are remembered and honoured for generations to come. I am truly honoured to be Patron of such an important appeal.”

Lord Rothermere, Chairman of Imperial War Museum Foundation said: “The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum Foundation are exceptionally honoured that HRH Prince William of Wales has agreed to become our Patron. The centenary of the outbreak of the First World War in 2014 will be a moment of paramount importance in our nation's history, as we remember all those who died in the horror of that War and renew the commitment of future generations to their eternal memory. The Imperial War Museum will have a crucial role to play in that national commemoration, and Prince William's clear devotion to such a great cause will help our Foundation play its part in delivering a fitting and permanent tribute. We are extremely grateful to him for his enthusiasm and support.”

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