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Official engagements to be undertaken by members of the Royal Family are published up to eight weeks in advance.

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The Duke of Edinburgh The Duchess of Edinburgh

will open The Peninsula London, 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1.

The Prince of Wales

, President, The Football Assoication, will attend the UEFA EURO 2024 Group Game match of England v Denmark, Frankfurt Arena, Frankfurt, Germany.

The Princess Royal

will attend The Royal National Lifeboat Institution's Beat Retreat, Reception and Dinner on the occasion of its 200th Anniversary at The Old Royal Naval College, College Way, London SE10.

The Duke of Gloucester

Will attend the Two-Hundredth Anniversary Celebration of the Crown Estate Paving Commission and Formally Reopen the refurbished Nursemaids' Tunnel at Park Square Garden, Regents Park, London.

The Princess Royal

Patron, the Eric Liddell 100, will attend a Service at St. Giles Cathedral, High Street, Edinburgh, followed by a Reception at City Chambers, 253 High Street, Edinburgh.

The Duke of Edinburgh

Chancellor, will visit the Department of Life Science at the University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath.

The Duke of Edinburgh

Chancellor, will attend a Reception at the University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath.

The Duchess of Edinburgh

Patron, will attend the 30th anniversary of the Craft Guild of Chefs Awards at Grosvenor House Hotel, 86-90 Park Lane, London.

The Duke of Gloucester

Patron, The Japan Society, will attend a Private Reception with the Japanese Community and Friends of Japan, in the presence of His Imperial Majesty The Emperor of Japan at the London Hilton, 22 Park Lane, London W1K 1BE.

The Princess Royal

President, Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth, will attend the Thirtieth Commonwealth Agricultural Conference at Gogarburn Conference Centre, Royal Bank of Scotland, 175 Glasgow Road, Edinburgh.