Launch of Diamond Jubilee emblem competition
A national competition for children to design the official emblem for Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012 will be launched on Monday 1st November 2010.
Children from all over the UK aged between 6 and 14 will be invited to submit an original design for an emblem celebrating the 60-year reign of The Queen. The competition will be run through the BBC’s Blue Peter programme and the deadline for entries is Wednesday 8th December.
The judging process will be overseen by experienced British designer Martin Lambie-Nairn. The judging panel will include children’s illustrators, designers and Blue Peter staff.
The winning emblem will be announced in February 2011 and will become the official emblem of Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The official emblem will be available for use in the lead-up to, and during the Diamond Jubilee for all activities associated with the celebrations including community and national events, as well as publications. A set of guidelines for use will be released when the winning design is revealed.
The Blue Peter programme to launch this competition was broadcast on BBC ONE at 16:30 hrs on Monday 1st November. Details are also available through the BBC website on
The Blue Peter programme launching the competition is available to view at (available till Sat 13 Nov 2010).
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