The Duchess of Edinburgh visits Kent


The Duchess of Edinburgh has spent the day in Kent, visiting Brockhill Park Performing Arts College, Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent and Medway Medical School, and Kent Refugee Action Network.

The Duchess of Edinburgh visits Kent

Brockhill Park Performing Arts College

At Brockhill Park Performing Arts College, The Duchess launched the first ever LEAF Gold Demonstration School, which has been awarded for the school’s commitment to using food production, farming, and the environment as part of its broad and balanced curriculum.

The Duchess of Edinburgh visits Kent

Her Royal Highness is President of LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming), which is the leading organisation promoting sustainable food and farming.

The Duchess of Edinburgh visits Kent

During the visit, The Duchess met students who are benefitting from the school’s various educational programmes – which includes animal management and gardening.

Canterbury Christ Church University

At Canterbury Christ Church University, Her Royal Highness officially opened the Verena Holmes STEM Building.


The new building has been named in honour of Verena Holmes, a Kent native, who arguably became the first female in the UK to have a full-time career as professional mechanical engineer.

The Duchess had the chance to tour the new facility, which provides students with a new, high-tech, place to study.

There was also the opportunity to see the special ‘Tree of Trees’ in memory of Queen Elizabeth II.

Kent and Medway Medical School

Next, Her Royal Highness officially opened the Kent and Medway Medical School and the Pears Building.

Accepting its first cohort of medical students in September 2020, Kent and Medway Medical School jointly run by the University of Kent and Canterbury Christchurch University. 

Kent Refugee Action Network

The day finished at Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN), where The Duchess celebrated the organisation’s 20th anniversary.

The Duchess of Edinburgh visits Kent

Established in 2003, KRAN supports refugees and asylum seekers (RAS) in Kent.

The Duchess of Edinburgh visits Kent

During the visit, Her Royal Highness learnt more about the work of KRAN and joined a Learning for Life Class, where she met young people currently being supported by the organisation.

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