A speech by The Duke of Cambridge at the Canada Day Noon Day Celebrations, 2011
To be here on Canada Day - a day of unity, a day of coming together as families, and as a nation - is even more special for us.
Thank you, Minister and Prime Minister for your extremely warm welcome.
Bonjour Ottawa! Bonjour Canada! Bonne fete Canada!
Je suis tellement heureux d’être de retour au Canada – ce pays magnifique – et d’avoir la chance d’apprendre à mieux vous connaître.
I’m excited to be able to share this with Catherine because she has told me that she feels exactly the same way. She heard about Canada not from her parents, but from her grandfather, a wonderful man who passed away last year, but who held this country dear to his heart - for he trained in Alberta as a young pilot during the Second World War.
To be here on Canada Day - a day of unity, a day of coming together as families, and as a nation - is even more special for us.
To mark today, my Grandmother, The Queen of Canada, has asked me to convey her warmest good wishes to the people of Canada, and her happy and abiding memories of being on Parliament Hill with The Duke of Edinburgh one year ago. The Queen has taken a great interest in the themes and programme of our Tour, and looks forward to following our progress as it unfolds.
Speaking of families and of loved ones far away, this is an important moment for Canada. For this month, the Servicemen and women of the Canadian Forces cease their combat role in Afghanistan. This draws to a close an episode of which all Canadians can be immensely proud.
Our Armed Forces have always led the world in rallying to the defence of freedom. From Vimy Ridge and Juno Beach, through Korea and the Balkans to Kandahar Province, the sacrifice of Canadians has been universally revered and respected. N’oublions jamais.
.Ici au Canada, les Canadiennes et les Canadiens démontrent aussi leur force et leur détermination. Je salue la bravoure et l’altruisme des équipes de secours et de reconstruction au Québec, au Manitoba, en Saskatchewan et en Alberta. J’admire votre courage.
Catherine and I especially are so thrilled and excited by the prospect of the next eight days, of being part of the Canadian family. It will be an adventure that we’ll never forget.
Merci Canada. Merci les défenseurs du Canada, la famille canadienne… Bonne Fête Canada! Happy Birthday Canada !
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