A speech by The Duke of Cambridge in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Here, in the crucible of Canadian nationhood, we look forward to meeting many of you.
Thank you Premier and Fathers of Confederation. Merci Monsieur le premier ministre et les pères de la confédération.
It is quite a moment for Catherine and me to be standing here in the Atlantic Canada, in front of Province House, where Canadian Federation was forged.
Quel plaisir de goûter à la douceur de l'île et ses traditions Mik Maq, acadiennes et celtiques, parmi plusieurs autres.
Here, in the crucible of Canadian nationhood, we look forward to meeting many of you.
We have both so looked forward to this day, and discovering more about your beautiful island. We are also delighted that you have chosen to inaugurate a scholarship in our names. Thank you for this wonderful and generous welcome. Merci pour votre accueil charmant et chaleureux.
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