Announcement of events to celebrate The Queen's 80th birthday in 2006
Buckingham Palace is planning a number of events to celebrate The Queen's 80th birthday in 2006, both around Her Majesty's actual birthday on 21 April and her official birthday on 17 June.
Events are being planned to take place at both Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle and will combine private family celebrations with more public occasions.
The Queen will spend her actual birthday, 21 April, at Windsor Castle as usual, and the official birthday will be marked by the annual Trooping the Colour on 17 June. Other events planned around these two dates will include:
80th birthday reception and lunch - London
On 19 April 2006, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh will host a reception and lunch at Buckingham Palace for some of those people who will also be celebrating their 80th birthday on 21 April 2006.
Birthday dinner
The Prince of Wales will host a family dinner for The Queen on the evening of 21 April 2006.
Family Service of Thanksgiving - Windsor
On Sunday, 23 April 2006, Members of The Royal Family will attend a special Service of Thanksgiving at St George's Chapel, Windsor, to celebrate The Queen's 80th birthday.
National Service of Thanksgiving - London
On 15 June 2006, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh will attend a National Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral followed by a Lunch given by the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of London.
Children's Garden Party - London
On 25 June 2006, The Queen will host a "birthday" Garden Party at Buckingham Palace for children from all over the UK.
Special travelling exhibition of works by Leonardo da Vinci
Ten of the Royal Collection's finest drawings by Leonardo da Vinci will travel to museums and galleries in Exeter, Aberdeen, Leeds and Cardiff in 2006 to mark The Queen's 80th birthday. View further details of the exhibition (opens in new window).
Further information
Biographical information about The Queen
The Monarchy today
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