It really is wonderful to be here today - having the chance to meet you all and to see the incredible work of Bear Cottage. First class delivery of children's palliative care is life changing. When families are confronted with the shattering news that their children have a life limiting condition, their world can fall apart. It is at those times that professional support is imperative.
I first saw this through East Anglia’s Children's Hospices and have since been fortunate to see similar work in Malaysia, then last week at Rainbow Place in New Zealand, and now here today. William and I are strong believers in collaborative work. The sharing of best practice is transformational for organisations. The needs of families requiring children's palliative care across the world are varied. Circumstances and environment can differ - but the aim of those supporting them is the same - to offer the best and most loving care possible.
I am delighted that Bear Cottage and EACH are planning to be part of a 'community of best practice'. The haven that you have created here is inspirational, and there is so much that you can share with each other as you continue to support and nurture those in your care.
If I may, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has welcomed me and George so incredibly warmly on our first visit. To be here together as a family has been very special and we will always remember it with fond and happy memories.
Thank you for inviting us here and for such a generous welcome.