State Visit to Ireland announcement
The Queen has been pleased to accept an invitation from the President of Ireland to pay a State Visit to Ireland this year. The Queen will be accompanied by The Duke of Edinburgh.
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Christmas Broadcast 1975
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A speech by The Queen at the German State Banquet, 2015
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A speech by The Queen at the Irish State Banquet, 2014
We will remember our past, but we shall no longer allow our past to ensnare our future. This is the greatest gift we can give to succeeding generations.
Announcement of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh's visit to Rome
A speech by The Queen at the Korean State Banquet, 2013
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Announcement of a State Visit from the President of the Republic of Korea
A speech by The Queen at the Emirati State Lunch, 2013
Your visit this week is a chance to celebrate the depth of our partnership – a partnership that continues to grow and strengthen.